Nullify Abortion aims to mobilize preborn advocates into action through our Facebook group, “We Abolish Abortion.” Open to all abolitionists, the group invites like-minded individuals and organizations to share content that aligns with our mission: equipping and mobilizing for the immediate end of abortion. This post serves as both a website introduction and a call to sharpen our focus.
Clarifying Our Mission: Abortion Abolition
A Warm Welcome and Returning to First Principles
Whether you are a long-standing member of this Facebook group or a visitor on our Nullify Abortion website, we’re genuinely glad you’re here. This post serves as both a re-centering touchpoint for our Facebook community and an introduction for those who might be considering joining us. While pro-life advocates are welcome, we adhere strictly to an #Abolition focus, deeply rooted in God’s law.
The Core of Abolitionism Explained
If the term ‘abolition’ is new to you, let’s clarify. Abolitionism mandates the immediate abolishment and criminalization of abortion, unequivocally declaring it as murder. Grounded in God’s authoritative law, the abolition movement is inherently Christian, built on a systematically consistent theological and ethical framework.
Participating in a Movement Directed by God
We’re not here to claim leadership of this movement; we are obedient participants in a divine initiative. God is the orchestrator, inspiring His Church to be both “salt and light” in a decaying world. The groundwork for this initiative began as far back as the late naughts and gathered pace in the early teens.
Historical Roots
Pioneering organizations like Abolitionist Rising (Free The States), End Abortion Now (Apologia Church), Operation Save America, Not A Victim, and Nullify Abortion have been instrumental, though this is hardly an exhaustive list.
Our Mission, In Focus
This post isn’t a comprehensive exposition of abolitionism; it’s a recalibration of this group’s focus. We are committed to fortifying the abolitionist movement and are here to provide resources for your active engagement. For a more exhaustive treatment of abolitionism, consult the links in the comments.
Your Indispensable Role in Abolition
We wholeheartedly welcome your questions, the sharing of personal experiences related to abolition, good faith challenges, and the distribution of abolitionist resources. These forms of engagement are not just accepted but actively encouraged, as they directly contribute to our collective mission of abolishing abortion in alignment with God’s law.
Join the Conversation
If you’re viewing this message from our website and are compelled by our mission, we warmly invite you to join the We Nullify Abortion Facebook group. Engage in meaningful dialogues, share your experiences, and contribute to a community dedicated to the abolition of abortion. Connect with us here.
If you’re looking for our official Facebook page along with our other social media pages, you can find them on our contact page.
- Abortion is Murder: Abolish & Criminalize (Nullify Abortion)
- Abolitionists, Not Pro-Life (Free The States)
- A Biblical Alternative to the Pro-Life Movement (End Abortion Now)