Fetus is defined as “unborn baby” by the Oxford Condensed Medical Dictionary (2010). Premeditated killing with malice aforethought is defined as “murder” by Cornell Law. Therefore, abortion is murder.
Not only this, every person involved in the act of abortion is involved in this act of murder. The one who actually kills the baby, the staff, the mother who willfully allows her child to be killed (she is Not A Victim), friends and family who encourage and support the decision to abort, even the companies who provide service and maintenance to the abortion mills, are all guilty of and complicit in murder.
If you hire a hitman to murder a person out of the womb, you are (often) charged with murder. Therefore, a mother who has her child aborted is a murderer. These are hard and painful truths. However, it’s necessary to identify abortion for the wicked act of child murder it is.
It’s necessary to identify abortion for the wicked act of child murder it is.
“Pro-Life” doesn’t mean “No Abortion”
When this article was first written in 2017, we only had a hint of how serious the issue was. Six years later, we could have never imagined how compromised the national pro-life movements had become — or maybe some always were. Major voices and organizations in the national pro-life movement refuse to:
- Identify women who’ve aborted their babies as murderers
- Advocate for the criminalization of abortion
- Call abortion murder
Even worse, major organizations like National Right to Life, Susan B. Anthony List, March for Life Action and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops released statements warning legislators against criminalizing abortion in the May of 2022.
If that wasn’t bad enough, the documentary “Babies Are Murdered Here” blows the door open on how “pro-life” lobbyists are actively fighting against abolishing and criminalizing abortion.
If you’ve donated money to one of the listed national pro-life organizations, they may have used some of your money to fight to keep abortion legal.
We’ve demonstrated abortion is definitionally murder. Those who engage in abortion are by definition murderers. This is not a subjective claim, but an appeal to objective facts.
If you’ve donated money to one of the listed national pro-life organizations, they may have used some of your money to fight to keep abortion legal.
Countless times God commands us in His word to “seek justice” and to “secure justice in our lands.” To claim you are “Christian” or “Pro-Life” while opposing the criminalization and abolishment of child murder is inconsistent with your stated views.
Inconsistency is the sign of a failed argument.
Dr. James White, Theologian
Abortion is not a political debate to be had by politicians, it is the definitive moral fight of our culture. Who wins and loses this fight will define our peoples’ legacy in the annals of history.
We Are Abolitionists
To differentiate themselves from the duplicity of the pro-life movement, many, ourselves included, have taken on a new name for the movement: Abortion Abolitionism. Simple and sweet, the name reflects the movements goals: The abolishment of abortion. The name takes its queues from the Christian-dominated 19th century movement to abolish the African slave trade while likewise called themselves “abolitionists.”
We use the term “pro-life” and “abolitionists” interchangeably throughout Nullify Abortion. We refuse to concede the name in its entirety to those who are okay with regulating child murder. That said, we are unequivocally an abolitionist organization, and we hope to convince others in the pro-life movement to see the error in their ways.
Justice for murder victims
We do not fight for preferential treatment of a debatable and subjective question. There is no debate to be had — Abortion is murder. There is no compromise to be made — No amount of child murder is tolerable.
Our terms are simple and non-negotiable:
- The total abolishment of abortion
- Equal protection under the law for all preborn children at moment of conception
- Both previous points require the criminalization of abortion as an act of murder
The state has an obligation to protect the human rights of all peoples within its borders. Most importantly, the state is obligated to ensure no person is deprived of life without due process of law.

To quote Thomas Jefferson,
“The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government.”
It is the obligation of the States to interpose themselves between the federal government, abortion mills, mothers who wish to kill their children, and the defenseless babies who have been abandoned to death. The government is obligated to act in defense of children.
The Gospel
It should go without saying: we believe Jesus Christ offers forgiveness for all who come to Him in humble repentance. It is our desire all who have been involved in the murder of their children — mothers, fathers, and abortion workers — find forgiveness and renewal in God.
We believe those who repent — i.e., turn away completely with abhorrence at their past actions — and submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ are made new. Their past sins are swallowed up in the death of Christ on the cross. We want all people to find forgiveness in Christ.
We hope and pray everyone should come to know Christ as Lord and Savior and to find the hope and forgiveness which is assured in Christ. We, ourselves, are sinners who have also found Christ’s mercy.
That said, our compassion for the victim of murder must come first. The need of those whose lives are in danger must be prioritized. It is not an act of love or mercy to praise and affirm a woman as she kills her baby.
The line in the sand: Nullify Abortion
The original purpose of this article was to identify a shift in the position of Nullify Abortion from that of a strictly “nullification and political” organization to that of one which is asserting the sovereignty of God as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This is a regular affirmation found throughout every article written since that turning point.
What’s important in this revision is highlighting the dividing line between abolitionism and the pro-life movement. We often take an aggressive and unforgiving approach with personalities claiming to represent the pro-life position. It is devilish to take millions of dollars in donations under the disguise of fighting abortion only to use that money to protect it. Month after month, year after year we see law after law passed with so-called “pro-life” journalists, lobbyists, and politicians duping voters into supporting laws designed to actually protect child murder.
A line in the sand must be made consistent with our beliefs. That line is clear and easy to distinguish: murder is wrong, murdering children is wrong, abortion is murder, any abortion is unacceptable. If you cross that line and move to protect baby murder, it doesn’t matter what banner you fly, you’re no friend of ours.
This article was originally published February 14, 2017
Revised December 19, 2022