If you’re a woman considering abortion, we can help you. There are people and organizations around the world ready to help you and your child, before, during, and after your pregnancy. We care about you and your baby.
You may not have planned this. You may have had no control over where you are now. But now, you have control over where you’re going, and the life of the baby growing inside you depends on the decisions you make.
The following resources are organizations legitimetaly designed to help you and your baby. They want to help you, judgment free, and they’ll provide you with multiple options, whether that’s to keep your baby, or to help you find adoptive parents. Many of these organizations can and do help parents find stable work, safe housing, food, and other necessary needs now and in the future.
Help Me!
I have taken the abortion pill but want to reverse it!
It may not be too late. Abortion Pill Reversal may still be able to save your baby. Their emergency hotline is (855) 209-4848. Their website may be found at reverseabortionpill.com
I’m pregnant or think I’m pregnant and I need help!
There are thousands of local organizations and churches ready and willing to help women with a crisis pregnancy, unexpected pregnancy, or an unwanted pregnancy that offer real solutions which don’t involve murdering your child.
StandingWithYou.org and HeartbeatInternational.org both provide online tools and hotlines to help you find local organizations which can help you with your medical and other needs.
Why can’t Nullify Abortion help me?
Nullify Abortion is not equipped to handle crisis pregnancies. Different organizations are formed for different purposes. You wouldn’t go to an auto-mechanic for advice on how to paint your house, likewise, an organization dedicated to education and advocacy isn’t going to have the necessary infrastructure to directly help people in need. This is why we refer women in need to organizations who have made it their focus to help them.
Nullify Abortion is not affiliated with any of these provided resources. They are provided as good faith recommendations. Please report any issues or suggestions on our contact page.
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