Mission Statement
Nullify, abolish, and criminalize the murder of preborn children, and secure equal justice of the same — for the glory of God and the advancement of Christ’s Kingdom on Earth.
The specific purposes and objectives of this corporation shall be to:
- Secure biblically-defined human rights for preborn human beings throughout the United States of America.
- Mobilize and empower grassroots anti-abortion advocacy.
- Promote state and local laws which nullify, abolish and criminalize abortion, and as well as defend the life and rights of all preborn children.
- Oppose state and local laws which deny or disregard the rights, sanctity, personhood, and/or lives of preborn human beings.
- Seek justice for and end the genocide of preborn human beings
- To declare the gospel of Jesus Christ, call all people to repentance, and advance the Kingdom of God on Earth.
Life at Conception
We oppose abortion because faith, conscience, and scientific fact tell us human life begins at conception. Fertilization is the beginning of a unique human being.
State Nullification
We agree with the Framer’s of our constitution: the People, through their elected state legislatures, have an inherent right to they themselves declare acts of the federal government unconstitutional. The People, and their respective states, are not at the mercy of unelected oligarchs — the US Supreme Court (SCOTUS). The US Constitution was a binding legal contract by and between the States.
This act called nullification of federal laws and mandates is necessary to stop the murder of American citizens not yet born.
As such, the States are at liberty, and have an obligation to act against Roe V. Wade and any other act of the federal government or activist court to protect the lives of preborn human babies.
And Christ Shall Reign
The God of the Bible, Yahweh, is “God of all nations” (Ps. 47:8). He is the one true God all nations are to acknowledge as Lord (1 Kings 8:60). His laws supersede those of any government of man (Acts 5:29).
According to God’s law, the preborn child is a human being known intimately as an individual by God before the individual is even conceived. We are known in the mind of God before we even exist (Psalm 139). In our mother’s womb, God is our God (Psalm 22:10).
We expect States to fulfill their obligation to do everything in their power to protect our most vulnerable citizens and uphold the most basic human right—life.