One of our most-read articles tackles the complex issues of Ectopic Pregnancies and Miscarriages—a topic rife with debate for reasons both spoken and unspoken. Critics often exploit these topics while avoiding the poignant truth: both miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies signify the devastating loss of a human life, a son or daughter. In this follow-up article, we address prevalent questions that have emerged in reaction to our prior work, specifically debunking the myth that abolishing abortion would criminalize miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies.
Originally published on FYRE.IS, support our writers, consider subscribing for early access to Nullify Abortion articles as well as other exclusive content — subscription is free!
Q: Does consistency demand all miscarriages be investigated?
A: No — any inquiry would follow due process, grounded in biblical standards of ethics and justice.
Biblical Standards of Justice
Western civilization, including its ethical and legal frameworks, is deeply rooted in a Christian worldview. Even progressive, secular Europe can trace its systems and senses of justice back to the Christian influence that has dominated the continent for over a millennium.
According to biblical law, criminal charges cannot be brought against someone without the testimony of two or three independent witnesses. By applying the principle of judicial wisdom, this standard extends to two or three independent lines of evidence. For instance, in modern terms, CCTV footage of a criminal act could serve as a “line” of evidence against unlawful behavior.
→ Thus, any investigations would necessitate multiple lines of evidence, indicating an intentional act to end the baby’s life, rather than simply probing the event of a miscarriage.
Legal or Medical Investigation?
This, however, begs the question: What type of investigation are we discussing? A medical investigation into a miscarriage is standard procedure. It provides helpful insight which may help prevent future miscarriages. Parents who would have no interest in this routine and important information might raise more than a few eyebrows.
→ If the baby in the womb is a human being, due process demands it be afforded the same rights as any other human being, including a proper inquiry into his or her death when circumstances demand it. Justice demands it.
Q: Should miscarriages be investigated in the case of a drug-addicted women?
A: It depends — Due process should be followed.
This question continues to assume a one-sized-fits-all answer for a complex legal question. This is why our response defaults to “due process should be followed.” If you’re not familiar with what due process is, here is some reading on the topic. In essence, it means the proper order of the law should be followed to ensure the rights of both the baby and the mother are upheld to the highest extent possible under the law. This means there is a legal demand for the victim of a wrongful death to have their death investigated and prosecuted should sufficient evidence be found of a homicide. Likewise, under due process the rights of those suspected of or accused of a crime will have their rights protected and not violated. They will not needlessly be searched or investigated — a “witch hunt”, so to speak
There is no simple “yes” or “no” answer. Ask any lawyer, and their answer will be “it depends.” Did she intentionally ingest drugs she knew would cause a miscarriage? Did she intentionally ingest drugs to cause a miscarriage? Did she intentionally ingest drugs but not know? Is there reason to believe she should have known? Was she warned about the potentiality of doing drugs and it killing or harming her baby?
→ There are degrees of culpability which can’t be determined by reading a single news article, let alone a single sentence question.
Q: Are there preferred treatments for Ectopic Pregnancy?
A: Yes, the one in which the baby’s life can be saved.
Yet, this is rarely possible. So, we’ll defer to the experts on this one,
…American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians recognizes the unavoidable loss of human life that occurs in an ectopic pregnancy, but does not consider treatment of ectopic pregnancy by standard surgical or medical procedures to be the moral equivalent of elective abortion, or to be the wrongful taking of human life.
→ As to whether it is treated medically or surgically, we differ to what will result in the least amount of suffering for the baby and the best opportunity for the continued flourishing of the mother.
Q: Aren’t you forcing women to provide their body, organs, blood, tissue, or fluids for the medical or life support needs of others?
A: No. I’m demanding women no longer have amnesty to murder their children in their womb.
When we abolish abortion, women will not be forced to do anything. However, if they choose to kill their children, they will be personally and legally held responsible. We’re not forcing anyone to get pregnant. We’re not forcing anyone to have sex. We’re not even forcing anyone to stay pregnant.
→ We are saying if someone kills or has killed the baby in their womb, everyone responsible should be held criminally liable for ending the life of a human being.
Q: Isn’t a woman the best judge of what’s best for her body?
Q: Isn’t a woman the best judge of whether she should kill the baby inside her or not?
A: No. God and God alone is the best judge of what’s best for her body and the baby inside her.
Just ask the actual question. We know what the euphemism means. We understand how you’re attempting to reframe the language and the debate. Despite over 50 years of it, you’re still not making a whole lot of headway on that front. It’s kind of hard when you’re trying to deny undeniable facts.
Fetus means “unborn baby” according to medical dictionaries. It’s requiring a concerted effort by political extremists to change dictionaries, not because medical science has discovered the fetus isn’t a human being, but because the fact the baby is a human being is very inconvenient for Planned Parenthood et al. You can cry, you can scream, you can yell, you can repeat your talking points ad nauseum. I’ve read the papers, I’ve read the dictionaries, I’ve read the textbooks. Fact: Baby in womb is human being. Baby in womb is also a person. There is no such thing as a non-person human being, and the fetus is a human being. So the mental gymnastics required to come to this position require a level of self-deception and denial of monumental proportions.
Professing to be wise
The Bible states all people have been given sufficient knowledge of God’s divine nature and power through what has been made. Yet, in their unrighteousness, humans suppress this truth. Since they do not see fit to honor God, God gives them over to their own nature as a just punishment for their rebellion.
and although they know the righteous requirement of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them. (Romans 1:32 LSB)
Part of this judgment is manifested in the act of abortion itself. Women are committing violence against their own body, against their own children, against the children of the men they often fornicated with. God doesn’t need to bring swarms of locust, angels of death, or even armies of His own people when the rebels will commit genocide against themselves.
→ This is God’s call to all people: Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ, His Son, who alone can save you. Honor Christ as Lord of your life and submit yourself to Him. Stop murdering your babies.
Originally published on FYRE.IS, support our writers, consider subscribing for early access to Nullify Abortion articles as well as other exclusive content — subscription is free!