Where in the Constitution does it say nine unelected politically connected lawyers are the last say on whether or not children can be killed by the tens of millions? It's time to stop listening to the lies we've been sold for the last five decades. The only reason abortion still stands today is because our legislators are going along with the smoke and mirrors. The SCOTUS only … [Read more...] about Line in the sand
Latest Abolition Articles
Letter Response: Child torture and trafficking
I love receiving mail about Nullify Abortion, whether it's positive or negative. It offers excellent opportunities to explain our platform and defend the pro-life movement. I received this letter earlier today and wanted to share it with you, and the response, because this is an argument I see again, and again, and again (as you'll see in my response, I've written about here … [Read more...] about Letter Response: Child torture and trafficking
Not An Armadillo: Pro-life position is simple
The reality is we’re all pro-life! Thank God for that! How did I arrive at such a broad assumption? ‘Cause everybody is alive! Therein lies the hypocrisy of pro-abortion. As Ronald Reagan said, “I’ve noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” You may say that’s a very simplistic view. You’re right! Einstein once said, “If you can’t explain it to … [Read more...] about Not An Armadillo: Pro-life position is simple
King’s Journey: The tale of Alveda King and her experience with abortion
The year was 1950 It was spring in Atlanta and it was warmer than average, but the weather was far from young Naomi Barber’s mind. She had become pregnant with her pastor’s son. They weren’t married. Margaret Sanger’s organization, the American Birth Control League (later Planned Parenthood,) was targeting minorities in the South, pushing their own flavor of eugenics—the … [Read more...] about King’s Journey: The tale of Alveda King and her experience with abortion
Finding my place
Nullify Abortion was an idea that came to me a year and a half ago. Starting out, I had no idea what I was doing or how I was going to do it. I just knew that Roe V. Wade was unconstitutional and the states have a right to nullify it. It's been a huge learning process and I continue to learn more and more as I go on. Challenges The most difficult challenge I've found is … [Read more...] about Finding my place