Just over a month ago, the Left couldn’t define “woman.” More recently, the chants of “Men,” clap, “can,” clap, “be,” clap, “pregnant,” clap, “too,” have grown ‘mysteriously’ silent. Clap.
Like cockroaches, these once adulating devotees of gender confusion have scurried back into the darkness from whence they came, along with their rainbow colored gods. The high heeled, smeared lipstick, stubble covered Spanx wearing sycophants have been exchanged for the screeches of actual women.
“Men can’t be pregnant,” they blasphemously bellow — Words which still result in conservatives being censored by big daddy tech and college campuses the nation over.
“Men can’t talk about abortion,” unless, of course, you support their highly lucrative business of baby murder.
For the culture barbarians the unicorns have exhausted their usefulness. Don’t be fooled. These are not two equal powers locked in an morally ambiguous dispute. On the Right, you have Western civilization. On the Left, a loose assortment of Marxist, Socialists, and other radical anarchists intent on establishing a new world order on top of a beaten and bloodied corpse of the society that gave birth to them.
These barbarians of the culture wars — to coin the phrase “culture barbarians” — claim to be the intelligent ones. They invoke terms like “reason”, “logic”, and fealty to “science”. They contend, faith is the opposite of reason, science the replacement of God, and through their cultural gaslighting, assert their dominance. They rewrite history to claim it was godless atheists, not Christians, who predominantly developed and advanced modern science. They are, of course, “the progressives.”
Stardust speaks
Like their pagan ancestors, they dance naked in our streets, celebrating their sexual perversion (pride parades), perform mass human sacrifices (abortion), entertain themselves with lust and violence (Hollywood and the entertainment industry), and worship at the feet of their priests (scientists) who have developed their own bizarre creation myth (macro evolutionary theory) — ultimately believing stardust can become living beings with value.
These acolytes of “science” preach the preborn human child is, in fact, not human, and that men are capable of bearing children. What can only be described as a tactic stolen out of Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels’ playbook, they accuse the Christian and anyone who agrees with them of spreading “misinformation”, “hate” and impeding societal “progress.”
We all know for human procreation to happen a biological woman, she who gets pregnant, and a biological male, he who impregnates, must be involved. You know, a male and a female, a mom and a dad. This is a basic concept human beings have understood for thousands of years. Yet, to pen these words in 21st century America is an act of “hatred” and “bigotry” — “literally, violence.”
Yet, we know from their wild tantrums in front of the Supreme Court and their attempts to silence pro-life men, those pushing the gender confusion narrative know men can’t be pregnant. Everybody knows.
The emperor has no clothes.
Radical revolutionaries
To understand their motives, we must understand their ideological underpinnings. The “transsexual agenda” (just like the rest of the LGBTQIA+… agenda) is merely another weapon in the revolutionary’s kit to overthrow Western civilization.
Organizations like Antifa, Black Lives Matter (the multinational organization, not the popular movement), and many elements of the modern Democratic party embrace a decidedly anarchist and/or socialist ideology. If we take a look at “Defund the Police”, the concerted effort of Leftist district attorney’s refusing to charge certain groups of people for even henieious crimes, and the worldwide lockdowns which have set the world into an economic and societal tailspin; we can see their handiwork.
Yet, in spite of these telltale signs of societal collapse, the culture barbarians don’t see themselves as destroyers. Instead, they fashion themselves as heroic revolutionaries tearing down “historic systems of oppression.” They are, in their own minds, liberators of “the people” who are under an oppressive yoke of “capitalist slavery.” We are all too ignorant, backwards, and stupid to save ourselves from an illusion of prosperity. To these fanatics, the unmatched human prosperity and flourishing of the last 400 years is a myth. We’re all suffering from Stockholm Syndrome and they have to save us. Disregard the fact, that even a lower class single parent working three jobs has a higher quality of life than a medieval king.
Their fanatical adherence to their creation myth — of lifeless beings coming from a chaotic nothing — extends to every branch of thought. For the barbarian, every institution is a product of unguided, purposeless and uncaring universe. There is no order. The universe is chaos and from that chaos anything can and does occur. Western civilization, morality, government — everything and anyone — are nothing more than the evolutionary victors. Change one purposeless and meaningless factor in the evolutionary chain and the results could have been entirely different. They don’t want you to think for a moment there could be any purpose which is higher than chaos.
This is in direct confrontation with the truth of Scripture which teaches us nothing happens by accident. Nothing exists by circumstance. Everything is created by the will of a personable God and by His intentional and sovereign decree.
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. – Colossians 1:16
For their plans to prosper, pluralism (the belief there are many valid truths, not one) must be valid. There cannot be one God. There cannot be a superior philosophy. Truth itself is subjective. There cannot be one culture better than another. There cannot be objective moral standards. There cannot be biological facts of human sexuality — you’re conceived as male or female and that is unchangeable. The presupposition must be “from chaos can any order come,” and “the order we accept is merely the order we’ve received.” By sheer will, they believe, we can change any truth for, as Pilate asked Jesus, “What is truth?” (John 18:38)
To the Christian, there is a simple answer: God’s word is truth (John 17:17). Knowledge of God is the foundation of truth and apart from God, an inevitable foolishness will come about (Prov 1:17, Ps. 19:1). The Apostle Paul wrote,
“Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” – Colossians 2:3
If you’re an unbeliever, or maybe a Christian who thinks this is irrelevant to the issues at hand, ask yourself, “What is my standard of truth?” Is your standard of truth any better than that of the barbarians you’re fighting against?
Christian-influenced Western culture is exceptional
To the culture barbarians, cultural exceptionalism, the idea a culture can possess superior traits, is a form of hate. To believe and perpetuate the idea any culture is greater than another, especially Western culture, is their religion’s greatest sin: the sin of oppression.
Cultural exceptionalism should not be confused with racial supremacy — the latter of which is an abominable sin of partiality. The barbarians deliberately conflate these two distinct categories. To the barbarian who believes all characteristics of humanity are the result of happenstance — not the unfolding of an Almighty God’s sovereign decree — there is no difference between the color of your skin and culture which is the developed and changing beliefs, interactions, and values of a people group. In their eyes, both are the evolutionary byproducts of cosmic accidents.
We see this played out to absurd degrees on an almost daily basis. They conclude Europeans converting native cultures which performed mass human sacrifices are perpetrators of mass genocide, not liberators. Colonialism is oppression incarnate. As such, everything bad is a form of “colonialism.” Mathematics is now the imposition of colonial thinking. Logical thinking is forcing Western thought on indigenous peoples. Trespassing laws are colonialism. Christian missionaries educating and caring for African tribes are now colonial perpetrators of “sociologic genocide.”
Don’t assume these are cherry-picked fringe nutjobs. These are your children’s teachers, professors, and the bureaucrats shaping our public policy and laws.
Culture barbarians hate Christendom
Yet, in focusing on exceptionalism, we’re missing the field for the grass. The problem isn’t with the exceptionlism of Western culture or American culture, but in the ingredient that has made these cultures exceptional: Christianity. The inherent Christian bias in the foundation of Western civilization is in direct conflict with their purposeless, chaotic pluralistic universe. If only they can destroy the power structures of the old world, they can rebuild with a new world order.
Christianity dominated Europe up until the Post-Modern era. To deny that the culture, values, and principles of the Christian religion didn’t fundamentally shape the civilization which came out of Europe is deliberate ignorance. There is a reason why the West was, until very recently, commonly referred to as ‘Christendom’. Whether you accept the idea of the United Kingdom or the United States as inherently Christian in their official structure, the overwhelming influence of Christianity on the institutions which gave rise to the people in them, who shaped them, and who ruled them cannot be ignored. The culture which you belong to shapes your worldview, even if you don’t swear by all of its creeds. Our Western concepts of rights, laws, and justice are directly derived from the Christian-Judeo worldview. Without Christianity, the world looks very different. The barbarians are banking on this.
Sexual Revolution of Societal Slavery
Though their revolution can be traced back a century earlier, the drumbeat reached a fevered pitch with the Sexual Revolution of the 1960s. The so-called “free love” began to supplant the role of the covenant marriage in Western societies. The act of sex was taken from the marriage bed and paraded around the airwaves and the streets — at least as far as social acceptance was concerned. Fornication and adultery which once would have landed you in jail, or at the very least socially ostrasized, could now be publicly celebrated. Those who resisted this downward lurch were labeled “prudes” who “weren’t minding their own business.” Having grown accustomed to cultural dominance, the old guard was caught unprepared and the barbarians overwhelmed what little resistance they could muster.
The culture barbarian’s so-called “revolution” did nothing to free men or women, and only enslaved them. From the 60s we see society plunged into increasing drug rates and alcoholism, unwed teenage pregnancies, single parent homes, divorce rates and abortions. As they’ve torn down the ‘prudish’ and ‘backwards mores’ of an ‘oppressive’ bygone era, they’ve replaced it with a system designed to justify, hide, and subvert the consequences of their actions.
For example, under the ‘old’ system, and as Christians adhering to biblical principles do, men and women do not engage in premarital sex. Not because Christians are prudes or view sex negatively. Instead, Christians understand men have an obligation to raise their children and care for the mothers of their children for life. There are few exceptions to this rule. It is non-negotiable. Likewise, a woman is to care for her children and her husband, who should be the father of her children for life. If a man sleeps with an unmarried woman he is supposed to marry her, pregnant or not. There is to be nothing left to chance under God’s law. Through this system, unmarried, single parent homes are avoided, and under this system, both man and woman are under an obligation to each other to care for each other. It is an expectation they both mature and grow and think about each other and their children more than themselves.
The nuclear family is among the pillars of Western civilization. Numerous studies affirm the wisdom, children of an intact family — father and mother living together in a committed marriage — do better in practically every metric from childhood into adulthood. If this institution can be undermined and compromised, the rest of the civilization will be inevitably weakened.
This is why Nullify Abortion’s first interest isn’t child support by men. We believe first and foremost men who impregnate women, outside of cases of rape and adultery, should marry and care for the mother of their children. In lieu of this, yes, child support should be mandated. It is a non-negotiable responsibility of men to care for their children. However, lifelong responsibility to each other should compel an individual to seek after the interest of another person above their own. This is good for society.
Yet, for any of this to be possible, the nuclear family, the obligation of man and woman to each other, we first must be able to define what is a man and what is a woman. If the barbarians can subvert the very foundation of western civilization by perverting and confusing reality itself — men, can, be, pregnant — a tailspin of chaos ensues.
To the Christian, none of this should be surprising. This is the conclusion of a society rejecting their Creator:
21 For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Claiming to be wise, they became fools. . .
24 Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, 25 because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
26 For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; 27 and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
28 And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. 32 Though they know God’s righteous decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
From drag queen story hour, to two moms and two dads, we see the barbarians throwing into question the very fabric which knits society together. By confusing the issue of who is and what is a mother, who can and can’t be pregnant, to force the society at large into a nonsensical debate over reality itself, they hope to further stress the already fragile rope holding our civilization together.
Truth is an act of defiance
The barbarians seem to have all but won this battle, but hope is not yet lost. The battle must be fought and it must be fought with confidence. It is not an act of hatred to tell a man who has chopped off body parts they are not a woman. They are a man who has castrated themselves. A woman who has taken hormones to grow facial hair and chopped off her breasts while carrying a child inside her womb is not a man, she is a woman deeply disturbed.
To the Left, to the LGBTQ+ radicals, this article will be deemed radical homophobic and transphobic propaganda. Others will argue we’re pouring gasoline on ourselves and striking a match. Yet, fundamentally, a position must be taken to effectively argue against abortion. We must be able to objectively define who is and is not a woman, who can and cannot be pregnant. We must be able to discern the truth from a delusion, and we cannot be stopped from speaking the truth because those who wish to dismantle civilization will slander our good name.
To quote the late author, George Orwell,
The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.
We take a stand for our children, our families, and our civilization.
The emperor has no clothes. Men cannot be pregnant. Abortion is murder. We will not be silenced.
Update: Read the sequel to this article: Neo-Marxists Ransacking Rome
Edited by Carol Lynne, Greg Scott