The good news is Nullify Abortion’s next article is well on its way to completion. The bad news is this isn’t that article. It’s not all bad though, we have some good news about future content and goals which should make regular releases more, well, regular. Maybe more important than that, future goals on how Nullify Abortion will be helping pro-life abolition groups be more effective in ending abortion.
Lofty, unrealistic goals
Nullify Abortion’s previous content goal was a feature article once a week. This was a tall order considering the same person who writes all of our articles is also the same person who designs our website, manages are social media presence, along with 95 percent of the rest of the work done behind the scenes. Suffice it to say, he, meaning I, burned out. This accounts for our four month drought of no new articles.
Conveniently, burnout, will be the topic of one of the first articles we’ll be publishing in the coming week or so, depending on Christmas and holdiay revelary.
Back down to earth: Monthly goals
It’s important to set realistic and definable goals. As such, starting in January, tentatively, Nullify Abortion’s article publishing schedule will look like this:
- A monthly check-in – like this article – detailing what Nullify Abortion has done, where we are, and where we’ll be going
- A major feature every 1-2 months, depending on scope — This will likely be a larger scale project than previous articles on our website (not necessarily longer, but more research, possibly original interviews, etc)
- A regular feature every month — on par with our regular content to date
- Finally, featurettes or small op-eds at random
Tracking legislation is out
We’re “sunsetting” our pathetic efforts to track legislation. It’s taken eight years to come to the conclusion: it’s too dang hard. Two people, fifty states, it’s a nightmare. That’s just tracking what exists. This isn’t even considering reading the bills, understanding the bills, writing an article for the bills, publishing the article, and sharing the article before the time for action is no longer relevant.
We’ve exhausted countless hours for articles which become obsolete after a few months (if we’re lucky.) In contrast, articles like our one on Ectopic Pregnancies has been viewed many more times than all of our legislation articles combined despite being published years after most of them. That article will remain relevant for years to come.
Tracking legislation is important, but it’s a task better suited for the abolitionists organizations in each state. Organizations which can focus on the situation in their state and bring it to the attention of the people who will benefit from that information the most. That said, we’ll bring attention to legislation when and where we feel it would be beneficial. If you’d like to bring a legislative action to our attention: contact us.
This is a great segway to our sharpened focus.
Collaborator, not competitor
Nullify Abortion has always operated under the principle that the pro-life movement is, just that, a movement. It’s primarily made up of, supported by, and exists because of the individual people who affirm the pro-life cause across the world. Organizations within the pro-life movement are a means of organizing and amplifying the voices of those in the movement who want to actively end abortion.
In our experiences, many pro-life groups, especially the larger ones, act as competitors. This makes sense when your strategy is “raise a lot of money to buy politicians.” On the other hand, when your goal is a vast network of abolitionists working in tandem to nullify, abolish, and end abortion in their respective states, not so much.
There are a lot of needs which are unique to grassroots organizations including how to organize, build a website, communicate effectively, structure a board and organization, how to raise donations, how to set goals, and how to measure the effectiveness of those goals.
Lo’ and behold, we actually have experience with these topics.
Among Nullify Abortion’s leadership we have:
- Advanced training from the Foundation for Applied Conservative Leadership
- Years of experience serving on non-profit boards
- Formal education in non-profit management
- Years of both non-profit and commercial management experience
This isn’t counting our experience with web design, graphic design, writing, social media, project management, and more.
Looking further into 2023, Nullify Abortion hopes to be able to provide webinars and other training resources for pro-life advocates looking to improve the effectiveness of their organization.
Look forward to a new article (or two) by the end of December. Starting next month, we’ll be trying out our new content schedule. Going forward into 2023, we’ll be producing content aimed to empower and train grassroots abolition groups in their mission to end abortion now.
Please make sure to follow us on social media and we’re always in need of volunteers.
Yes, Google, Nullify Abortion does not provide abortions. Thank you for continuing to demonstrate you’re scared of our message and can’t compete in the marketplace of ideas without totalitarian tactics like censorship and suppression.