In the battle to protect the sanctity of life, it is crucial to recognize the dehumanization inflicted upon the preborn baby, perpetuated by both abortion advocates and the pro-life industry. This article examines the tactics and arguments employed by the pro-life industry that fail to acknowledge the humanity of the preborn, contrasting them with how we discuss children outside the womb. By embracing a commitment to immediate abolition of abortion, we can uphold God’s laws and seek justice without compromise.
Reject Compromise: Draw the Line
Victory in the fight against abortion necessitates resolve. We must stand firm on the conviction, any amount of baby murder is intolerable. The current climate, where abortion proponents relentlessly push for ever-increasing extremes while those defending life continuously concede ground, is not a middle ground but a surrender.
Calls for compromise or meeting halfway are misguided; the issue of abortion is not a spectrum but a question of recognizing the humanity and right to life of the preborn. As in times past, nations which compromised to appease perpetrators of genocide were wicked, so to are those who follow in the same pattern now with abortion. The line in the sand must be drawn somewhere. The only logical and consistent place is abolish and criminalize.
Abolition: Glorify God’s Law
Old Testament Case Law
As a Christian organization, we firmly acknowledge the authority of Scripture and the relevance of God’s law in shaping our beliefs and actions. The Word of God provides clear and unambiguous guidance on the value of every human life and the pursuit of justice. From Scripture, we can demonstrate abortion is a violation of God’s law, for example it is written:
22 “And if men struggle with each other and strike a woman with child so that she gives birth prematurely, yet there is no injury, he shall surely be fined as the woman’s husband will set for him, and he shall pay as the judges decide. 23 But if there is any further injury, then you shall pay life for life, 24 eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, 25 burn for burn, bruise for bruise, wound for wound.
Exodus 21:22-25 LSB
We’ve committed a large portion of another article responding to the misinterpretation of this passage. However, in short, some have interpreted “any further injury” to only apply to the woman, and not the baby which is undoubtedly the most harmed. However, there are several other parts of the Law which address accidental personal injury. This law is the only one which specifically mentions a pregnant mother. Interpreting the text to only apply to the mother has not been the orthodox interpretation of this text.
Pursue Justice
Throughout the Bible, we find numerous passages commanding the pursuit of justice, the protection of life (especially the weak and powerless), and an abhorrence of the shedding of innocent blood. These passages serve as a firm foundation for our call to take immediate action to protect the preborn and seek justice on their behalf.
For example, Proverbs 24:11 commands, our immediate intervention on behalf of those who are being “taken away to death.” In Isaiah 1:15-17, God speaks against the shedding of innocent blood, highlighting the gravity of this offense in the eyes of God. Moreover, Micah 6:8 reiterates what God has spoken, regarding the goodness and expectation actively doing good and doing justice.
Abolish abortion now, not later when “hearts change”
Abolition, as opposed to incrementalism, offers a perspective that aligns with God’s laws and seeks to swiftly enact justice. By immediately abolishing abortion, we acknowledge God’s commandment of “do not kill” and prioritize the sanctity of life. Incrementalism, on the other hand, often involves repeated bargaining and compromises, accepting the sin of murder in the process. Embracing abolition demonstrates our commitment to upholding God’s laws and glorifying Him through our pursuit of justice.
Immediate abolition is not a matter of waiting for the hearts of the people to change, as some have suggested. Instead, it is an act of repentance and obedience. God’s call to pursue justice does not wait for a gradual change of hearts; rather, it compels us to pursue justice as we are transformed by God’s grace and truth. Seeking justice for the preborn is an integral part of our commitment as Christians to align ourselves with God’s revealed truth and answer His call for justice.
Seeking justice is a necessary act of a people repenting. People’s hearts aren’t changing unless they are seeking justice (Isaiah 1:17).
While some individuals within the pro-life movement may advocate for incremental approaches to end abortion, immediate abolition is the more principled, consistent, and God-honoring path.
The Burden of Responsibility
The responsibility to address the issue of abortion lies not only with the pro-life industry but also with the Christian church. As followers of Christ, we are called to stand for truth and defend the vulnerable. Too often, the church has prioritized obedience to the state over obedience to God.
Pastors who advocated for waiting on judicial decisions like Roe v. Wade yielded sovereignty over life from God to the Supreme Court. The lives of preborn children were not due to Caesar nor were they his to be rendered unto him, yet the Church willingly bowed their knee to His insistence.
It is essential for the church to recognize its role in the fight against abortion and actively engage in advocating for immediate abolition. We must educate ourselves, equip our congregations, and work tirelessly to protect the preborn and support mothers in crisis.
Challenge Incrementalism: Immediate Criminalization
When we recognize the preborn child as a human being, we must also acknowledge their right to equal protection under the law. This recognition calls for the criminalization of abortion as a form of homicide. All individuals involved in the intentional killing of a preborn child, including the abortionist, abortion mill staff, parents, and even the mother, should be held accountable and face legal prosecution. This demand for consistency, rather than compromise, upholds the sanctity of life and respects the laws of God.
Advocating for justice on behalf of the victims of mass murder is not unloving. It is not extreme or tone deaf to call for accountability when mothers take the lives of their own children. Denying justice to the victim while granting pardon to the perpetrator is not an act of mercy. The civil government has a responsibility to fulfill its ordained role by holding every individual involved in the murder of preborn children accountable, just as it would in any other case of homicide.
While salvation in Christ brings about spiritual and eternal redemption, it does not negate the prescriptive demand for the moral law to be enforced by the civil magistrate. A person who has received salvation through Christ can still face earthly consequences for their actions. In the case of murder, the judgment of the civil magistrate should be in accordance with God’s righteous standards of justice.
Incremental laws fail to address the fundamental injustice of abortion itself. Abolitionists understand that embracing compromises on the issue of baby murder is a failure to truly put an end to this practice. Instead of rallying behind flawed laws, we should strive for the total abolition of abortion in order to protect every innocent life and honor Christ as Lord.
In our battle to defend the preborn and seek justice, embracing immediate abolition is the path that aligns with God’s laws and principles. By rejecting compromise, drawing a firm line against abortion, and recognizing the burden of responsibility placed upon the Church, we can actively seek justice and bring glory to God through our actions. Let us approach the call for immediate abolition with prayerful consideration, acknowledging every innocent life deserves protection and equal rights under the law.
Edited 2023-07-15
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