Abortion abolitionists, Christians, should expose evil, not hide it. Apathy is wicked. It’s not loving our preborn neighbor to turn a blind-eye to their plight. Likewise, it is written in Ephesians 5:11, “Take no part in the unfruitful works of the darkness, but instead expose them.” By exposing evil, we glorify God by creating clear divisions between truth and lies, holding accountable murderers of children, and force the apathetic to make account for their inaction.
Christian Echo Chambers
We begin with ourselves, the church (Matthew 7). We often take Christ’s prayer out of context. While it’s true we’re not “of the world,” Christ explicitly did not want to take us out of the world.
I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.
John 17:15-16 LSB
While keeping ourselves set apart, this set apart shouldn’t be set away. Too often, we create safe spaces, echo chambers, which are insulated from the real world. Within misconceptions like, “women are the victim of abortion” gain traction. With this lie, the pro-life movement has shifted its compassion from the murdered and to the murderer—gross injustice. By showing what is otherwise unwelcome, disturbing, and unpleasant, we bring “every thought captive” into obedience (2 Cor 10:5). We reaffirm the truth: abortion is murder and those who abortion babies are murderers.
Willful Ignorance
A distinction should be made between those who are ignorant by circumstances and those who are ignorant by choice—the willfully ignorant. This is especially egregious for Christians who have many explicit commands throughout Scripture to lay everything on the line to help others.
Then He will answer them, saying, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’ And these will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”
Matthew 25:45-46 LSB
Throughout history, Christians have made a name for themselves by showing compassion and defending the vulnerable. In the Roman Empire, Christians would rescue and adopt children abandoned to die to the elements. Much like today, their pagan parents justified the abandonment of their children to death out of concern for themselves and the rest of their family. They believed the life of the newborn was of less value than their older children—or their male children (as is often the case with sex-selective abortions throughout the world).
Christians didn’t adopt these children because they were better off—they weren’t. Rather, they recognized each person is made in God’s image. As such, every human is inherently worthy of value (Genesis 1:27, Psalm 139), and their live should be preserved. Christians put their faith in God. Their own safety was put aside in obedience to God’s command to “do unto the least of mine” (Matthew 25:40).
Therefore, to one who knows to do the right thing and does not do it, to him it is sin.
James 4:17 LSB
Graphic abortion pictures and screenshots of callous discussions by baby murderers serve an important purpose: They compel pro-life and Christians who claim to “love their neighbor” to respond to what is clearly evil (Matthew 22:37-40 LSB). It is wicked to be silent when evil is in the land.

Exposing Evil, Silencing Wicked
The fear of Yahweh is to hate evil; Pride and arrogance and the evil way And the mouth of perverted words, I hate.
Proverbs 8:13 LSB
While there are many Christians now raising their voices, many continue to do nothing, saying “Man, that’s bad.” And continue to do nothing, not even pray, for their preborn neighbor. We cannot continue to be silent. Neither can we continue to claim the women who murder their babies are themselves the victims.
Forgiveness Only in Christ
Those who unbelieve remain in ignorance. According to the Bible, they suppress the truth of God in unrighteousness. Unless they repent and believe, they will forever be separated from the only true source of healing and forgiveness available—the cross of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:19, Romans 8:1-9). That is the Good News, to even the woman who has murdered her babies, Jesus can forgive but and make whole, and washing away all your sin (1 John 1:7-9.)
As Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, we affirm orthodox Christian belief: salvation can be found only in the name of Jesus Christ, the God of the Bible (Acts 4:10-12 LSB). Therefore, the ultimate solution to the issue of abortion lies in the gospel.
No More Excuses
In the end, we strive to destroy excuses—for the baby murderer, the ignorant, and the apathetic. The greatest mass murder in human history is happening under our noses and the majority of mankind is happy to ignore it.
Rather than grotesque gas chambers, the slaughter is committed in sterilized medical rooms or the privacy of one’s own home. We know it happens, and God sees all. There may not be the stark visual of mass graves or box cars, but we know the number—since 1970 over 1.7 billion babies murdered worldwide.
Abortion is disguised as healthcare and cloaked under the moniker of “reproductive rights.” Not too long ago, domestic abuse was defended as “personal and private” while innocent people were victimized. Today, they still argue it’s none of our business. These are excuses tyrants use to deflect attention away from the abuse against their victims.
Therefore, it is imperative we continue to expose evil. We can’t allow it to be forgotten. We can’t choose to ignore it or look away. We must be willing to face it, confront it, and expose it. As the great abolitionist and statesmen, Sir William Wilberforce said,

Edited: 2023-07-4
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