Long time no see. It’s been awhile. Some big things have happened— are happening. As we speak, murderers are threatening Supreme Court justices, the world is facing existential crisis, and Jesus Christ is still King.
For He (Christ) must reign until He puts all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be abolished is death. For God has put everything under His feet.
1 Corinthians 15:25-27 HCSB
Clearly, there are some elephants in the room. We’ll address them in due time. For now, let’s jump to the critical points.
- Website is undergoing a live overhaul — if something doesn’t work, hang in there
- Roe V. Wade is set to be overturned by the SCOTUS — this is just the beginning for us
- Our social media pages are updated multiple times a day follow us on:
- Gab – http://gab.com/NullifyAbortion
- Facebook – http://Facebook.com/NullifyAbortion
- Twitter – http://twitter.com/NullifyAbortion
There is a lot of work ahead. Please follow us on social media so we can let you know when our site is updated and operational. We’re looking forward to being back in the fight with you.
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