A bill has been introduced in the Michigan state house that would outlaw the sale of aborted baby parts in the state.
House Bill 5086, if passed, would amend Michigan’s public health code to include language explicitly outlawing any person, business or organization to profit from the sale of “fetal tissue.”
A person shall not knowingly financially benefit from or receive any type of compensation for the distribution or transfer of an embryo, fetus, or neonate or any portion of an embryo, fetus, or neonate including any organs, tissues, or cells that were obtained as the result of an elective abortion
It is accompanied by House Bill 5087 that would make violation of the aforementioned law a felony.
Background information
In July, the Center for Medical Progress began releasing a series of videos reportedly showing Planned Parenthood officials involved in the sale of aborted babies.
Despite being a clear violation of federal law, President Obama has promised to veto any attempt to penalize Planned Parenthood and will not prosecute the organization. If that wasn’t outrageous enough, the administration has decided to investigate the organization that released the incriminating videos.
The States
This failure forces states to take matters into their own hands.
“The bill was definitely inspired by the videos,” Rep. Thomas Hooker (R-MI), a co-sponsor of the bills, wrote in an email to Nullify Abortion.
“In spite of the federal ban it was still happening and the word ‘sale’ was being manipulated,” Hooker explained.
Planned Parenthood, in some cases, circumvented federal law by adjusting prices of other services involved in distribution of the aborted baby parts. Since money is fungible, moving the price of the fetal tissue into other ‘fees’ allowed Planned Parenthood to make a profit without, at least on paper, ‘selling’ the baby parts.
The language in HB 5086 would make it clear any profit would be illegal.
The bill’s primary sponsor, a medical doctor, is Rep. John Bizon (R-MI).
Making it difficult
“Pro-life advocates must be interested both from the standpoint of desecration of human life and from the additional funds it gives to Planned Parenthood and pro-abort organizations,” Hooker wrote.
The bill won’t directly effect the number or availability of abortions, but it does remove a substantial source of funding from abortion providers.
Planned Parenthood makes as much as $23 million annually from the sale of baby parts, Life News estimated.
Call to Action
“[We] would appreciate any encouragement to representatives and senators from their constituents and districts to push this bill forward,” Hooker wrote. “It would be a benefit to any Michigan supporters of your organization to be encouraged to call their elected officials.”
Click here to contact your Michigan state representative.
Click here to contact your Michigan state senator.
Ask them to support Michigan House Bill 5086 and 5087, banning the sale of fetal tissue.
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- 2022/12/16 Edited
- Featured image “State Capitol, Lansing, Michigan” by J. Stephen Conn is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
- Elaborated on how Planned Parenthood circumvented federal law.
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