We often get questions about why we choose to censor the names of pro-abortion individuals whose posts we share. This article aims to shed light on the reasons behind our decision, as it may not align with common assumptions. If you’re curious why we even share their posts to begin with, we addressed this in our previous article, Exposing Evil, Abolishing Excuses.
Not Our Reasons
In this first section, we’ll discuss what aren’t motivating factors to anonymizing names. Following this, we’ll address some of the more compelling reasons for to reveal names. The remainder of the article will be devoted to why we do censor names in practically every circumstance.
Privacy Isn’t the Issue
While we respect individuals’ right to privacy, it is crucial to distinguish between private and public spaces of expression. If one posts on a public page, group, or sets their social media post privacy to “public,” they they have made a deliberate decision to attach their name to a public statement. In such cases, the expectation of privacy is diminished as they willingly enter the public sphere. Therefore, privacy concerns are not the primary factor influencing our choice to censor names.
Shielding from Criticism
Another assumption is that we’re shielding some from criticism, or worse, personal attacks. First, while we don’t support personal attacks or online harassment, it’s unfair to assume sharing publicly made comments is “inciting harassment.” More on this later. As for criticism, we certainly have no interest in shielding them from that. We seek to shift the focus from individuals to the ideas and arguments presented. They are case studies, examples, of the ideas we often discuss.
Arguments for Name Disclosure
There are legitimate reasons for showing the names of the comments. We’ve considered them, and, to be fair, we’re going to try and address some of those reasons.

Transparency and Accountability: Some argue that revealing the identities of pro-abortion individuals promotes transparency and accountability. They believe that attaching names to their statements holds them responsible for their views and actions, fostering a more direct and authentic engagement.
Encouraging Open Dialogue: Advocates for name disclosure emphasize the value of genuine and open dialogue. They contend that knowing the identities of those who hold opposing views facilitates a deeper exchange of ideas, encouraging participants to engage in meaningful discussions free from the constraints of anonymity.
Intellectual Honesty: Name disclosure is seen as a way to promote intellectual honesty and integrity in discussions. By knowing the identity of a person behind a particular viewpoint, a context for their beliefs and background is provided, leading to more informed and substantive conversations.
It’s Not That We Disagree
As mentioned, these arguments are convincing. It’s not that we disagree. However, we believe, for our purposes, there are more compelling reasons to keep the names hidden.
Above Reproach
First and foremost, we strive to maintain a standard of integrity and avoid any appearance of promoting “brigading” – the act of encouraging a group of people to harass others online. When we share posts, we do so to provide examples, object lessons, and case studies.
This reason should be distinguished from “shielding from harassment” in that, it’s not that we fear harassment occurring, rather, we want to avoid the appearance we are encouraging harassment.
Regardless of how depraved an individual may appear, we don’t believe it is our role to take any action against them, and we don’t want to suggest that is our intention. Instead, we seek to learn from their perspective, pray for them, and where possible, share the truth with them. Our goal is to lead them towards a realization abortion is murder and Jesus Christ is a powerful savior.
Mocking Foolishness, Not the Fool
In biblical context, referring to someone as a “fool” is not intended as a pejorative insult but as a description of their spiritual condition. Our intention is not to encourage ridicule of “stupid heathens” and revel in their perceived stupidity and evilness. Rather, we aim to shed light on the foolishness of their actions, so that, we can expose the evil, and lead them, or others to a change of heart. Again, see our previous article on this subject.
The book of Proverbs provides us with guidance in dealing with fools:
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, lest you yourself also be like him. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes”
Proverbs 26:4-5 LSB
While the two sentences may seem contradictory, they actually aren’t. There is deep wisdom in having control over how you respond to a fool, and being cognizant of the fool’s foolishness. Mediate on this.
By focusing on the actions and ideologies espoused by individuals, we expose the flaws and fallacies inherent in their arguments. Our aim is not to demean or belittle them as people but to challenge their perspectives, promote critical thinking, and bring “every thought captive.”
Anonymity: A Blow for Narcissists
Many individuals who proudly engage in evil deeds crave attention. By withholding name recognition, we deny them a significant part of the satisfaction and pleasure they seek in performing and sharing these acts. It is crucial to remind them that they are not the center of the universe.

Their behavior may shock us because it deviates from the norm of good conduct, but it is far from rare. The purpose of sharing their actions is to highlight that they are just one among many. Romans 3, written nearly 2000 years ago, eloquently captures the state of humanity:
“All have turned aside, together they have become worthless; There is none who does good, There is not even one. Their throat is an open tomb, With their tongues they keep deceiving, The poison of asps is under their lips; Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness; Their feet are swift to shed blood”
Romans 3:12-15 LSB
Thus, the focus should not be on them individually, but rather on raising awareness of the evil of abortion and the evil of those who have abortions. Abortion is an inherently evil act. Those who perform abortions and those who undergo them are participants in this evil. It is not mere ignorance that fuels the prevalence of abortion; rather, it is wickedness rooted in spiritual and moral corruption.
By anonymizing the names, we direct the focus towards the ideas expressed rather than the individuals themselves, fostering a more constructive and objective discussion.
Saving Everyone
Our goal is to reach the lost, not destroy them. Our priority is saving babies being led to the slaughter. Yet, that doesn’t mean we have no compassion for the lost women who are having abortions or the men encouraging them. Again, we emphasize, we too were once lost, and would be still if not for the grace and mercy of God.
“On account of these things, the wrath of God is coming upon the sons of disobedience, and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them. But now you also, lay them all aside: wrath, anger, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.”
Colossians 3:7-8 LSB
Pray for Repentance
Our decision to censor names when sharing content of abortion and baby murder advocates is grounded in our commitment to integrity, respect, and the pursuit of truth. We aim to expose the flaws and fallacies of pro-abortion ideologies while avoiding personal attacks and even the appearance of the promotion of harmful behavior.
By focusing on the actions, ideologies, and the evil of abortion itself, we can encourage critical thinking, compassion, and keep a focus on the victim of abortion: the babies. Our ultimate goal is to foster positive change, challenge harmful narratives, and inspire others to stand for the protection of the preborn.
Seeing the foolishness and depravity of the wicked shouldn’t make us proud, haughty, or self-righteous. Rather, it should make us humble and grateful for the mercy God has shown us. Recognize the true evil at work in the hearts and minds of fellow image bearers of God, and pray earnestly for their hearts to be opened and godly sorrow to lead them to heartfelt repentance.
Edited 2023-07-14 11pm
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