To Our Pro-Abortion “Friends,”
There is no shortage of anonymous trolls streaming to criticize us and tell us what we “really believe” or “should believe” on social media. Yet, among the persistent traits common to these profiles is their refusal to articulate their beliefs. Why? Consider this open letter a challenge to these not-so-random anons.
Nullify Abortion: Easy Target
Admittedly, we’re an easy target. We write thousands of words explaining what we believe every month. We respond to critics, write articles, create memes, and put ourselves out there — we even started an actual non-profit and use our real names! We’re not just revolutionaries shouting from the sidelines; we’re reformers, working to build and refine.
We believe: Abortion is Murder
The fact of the matter is: We’re not afraid of what we believe, and we put our names to it. We’re not ashamed to associate with it, and we’re not afraid of the repercussions because we know what we’re doing is righteous, good, legal, and done with integrity. Can our critics say the same? Do they seek to build and reform, or merely to tear down?
Anonymity: Hiding from consequences
We can tell you, with some of the posts we’ve had to delete or hide, we’re confident we know why they are hiding behind anonymous profiles. If we were them, we wouldn’t want our employer or potential employer or even family or friends seeing us engaged in reckless pot shots on social media.
Our Challenge: Come forward
So here’s the challenge: Step into the light. If you disagree with us, choose the path of the reformer, embracing thoughtful engagement over revolutionary upheaval. Write articles that respond to ours, address our arguments, and rise above mere pot shots on social media.
Unless you are willing to engage in open and honest dialogue, we’re going to judiciously refrain from taking the bait. We will not waste our time in constant battles with anonymous trolls who refuse to even represent their beliefs honestly, let alone their identity. We’re interested in constructive discourse, not empty noise.
Consider this post a firm response: Put up or shut up.
Conclusion: Be reformers
Reformers seek to refine and improve, building on principles, values, and shared understanding. Revolution, by contrast, often tears down without regard for what’s left in its wake. Civilization cannot be paradoxically built by tearing it down.
Consider the wisdom of reform over impulsive destruction. Whether you stand with us or against us, the path of thoughtful change leads to genuine impact, while reckless revolution risks undermining us all. We’re here, open and unafraid, embracing a path of constructive dialogue and reform. Can you say the same? Let your convictions, not an anonymous profile, be your voice. After all, true conviction never hides.
In His Majesty’s Service,
Nullify Abortion
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