Defunding Planned Parenthood (PP) may have fallen flat in the United States Senates during a procedural vote, but that doesn’t mean it’s not picking up steam at the state level—underlining our point that the states are a dependable front line for victory over abortion.
The hardline drive for defunding began after a pro-life group—Center for Medical Progress—began releasing videos depicting what appears to be PP officials negotiating the sale of “fetal tissue” (i.e., dead baby parts.)
Under the direction of Gov. Bobby Jindal—a 2016 GOP presidential contender—Louisiana has cancelled its medicaid contract with Planned Parenthood.
Jindal defends his decision in a press release from the state’s Department of Health and Hospitals (DHH),
“In recent weeks, it has been shocking to see reports of the alleged activities taking place at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. Planned Parenthood does not represent the values of the people of Louisiana and shows a fundamental disrespect for human life. It has become clear that this is not an organization that is worthy of receiving public assistance from the state.”
The press release also debunks claims that eliminating public funding of PP will have an adverse effect on medical care for women,
Louisiana’s Medicaid Family Planning Services program is required to provide adequate services to women across the state. Cancellation of this contract at will does not jeopardize those services in any way as Planned Parenthood is just one of many providers in the Baton Rouge and New Orleans areas.
But that wasn’t the beginning of PP’s woes in Louisiana. Jindal released another press release July 15th,
Today, Governor Jindal requested Inspector General Stephen Street to initiate a joint investigation with the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals to determine whether Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast is engaged in the illegal harvesting and trafficking of human body parts.
(Breitbart also has another article exploring this development.)
New Hampshire
The Executive Council of New Hampshire has voted to defund PP. Quoting Chris Sununu (R), Executive Councilor, the Washington Times reported,
Before the New Hampshire Executive Council’s 3-2 vote denying the contract, he said he received separate calls from five young women — both pro-choice and pro-life — who told him they refused to set foot in Planned Parenthood clinics, even though they needed services and those were their closest options.
“All of them were unemployed and had actually gotten rides to other parts of the state so they could go to another provider that wasn’t Planned Parenthood and that didn’t have this umbrella of scrutiny hanging over them,” said Mr. Sununu. “And that sort of hit home.”
Unfortunately, New Hampshire Governor Maggie Hassan (D) has been adamantly resistant to defunding Planned Parenthood. She has refused calls from the Executive Council to investigate PP and has—unilaterally—decided there is no wrongdoing.
State Representative Cindy Gamrat (R) announced on her Facebook yesterday, she has requested supplemental legislation be drafted to consider whether or not the state can prevent PP from receiving federal dollars.
Gamrat is a co-sponsor of the Life at Conception legislation.
According to Yellowhammer News, Alabama has cancelled contracts with Planned Parenthood.
Yellowhammer cites Governor Robert Bentley (R),
“The deplorable practices at Planned Parenthood have been exposed to Americans, and I have decided to stop any association with the organization in Alabama…As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me. I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.”
Additionally, Yellowhammer reports that a committee in the Alabama Senate has voted to advance legislation to make the sale of aborted babies a “class b” state-level felony with a sentence of up to 20 years.
Bentley fired off a series of tweets on Twitter defending his decision,
The deplorable practices at Planned Parenthood have been exposed to Americans. I've terminated any association with the organization in AL.
— Governor Robert Bentley (@GovRBentley) August 6, 2015
As a doctor and Alabama’s Governor, the issue of human life, from conception to birth and beyond, is extremely important to me.
— Governor Robert Bentley (@GovRBentley) August 6, 2015
I respect human life, and I do not want Alabama to be associated with an organization that does not.
— Governor Robert Bentley (@GovRBentley) August 6, 2015
Please make sure to contact Gov. Bentley as well as your legislators in Alabama to show your support for these measures.
Other States
These are only the most recent headlines. Several states have had successful campaigns to defund PP including Florida, Indiana, Kansas, New Jersey, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Susan B. Anthony List has a scoreboard of success along with links to more information.
Be Proactive
The the abortion industry is a multi billion dollar behemoth, of which, PP is the head. They are non-stop lobbying to protect their precious dollars. Planned Parenthood makes a ton of money—especially from abortion. They are actively engaging your state legislatures to defend your interests.
As we’ve said again and again throughout this article: contact your state government. Let them know when you’re happy with their decisions and let them know when you’re not. They need to know they have your support—or lack thereof.
Your voice matters. Speak up.
(And while you’re at it, suggest they introduce legislation to nullify abortion.)
Have you heard of another state defunding PP? Let us know in the comments below.
2015-08-06 11:20pm – Added Alabama
2015-08-10 3:40am – Added Tweets of Gov. Bentley
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