June marked a significant milestone for us at Nullify Abortion, as it was the first month of our 10th year (our 10 year anniversary is next year). As we gathered the insights, the passions, and the rallying cries that resounded through our platform, we found ourselves reflecting on a movement invigorated by truth and relentless pursuit of justice. June 2023 was a month not just of commentary but of action, a month that saw ideas transforming into catalysts for change.
Originally shared on social media, we now present these articles as enduring testimonies of our collective endeavor to nullify abortion. They challenge, provoke, and inspire. And they’re not mere flashes in the pan; they are beacons of clarity in a fog of moral ambiguity.
Without further ado, here are June 2023’s most read abortion abolition articles from Nullify Abortion:
(btw, July 2023’s list is now ready)
Top 5 Articles: Most Read
1. Culture War: Marx’s Barbarians Dismantle Christendom
A sobering analysis of the ideological battle engulfing Christendom, and how the philosophies of Marx have played a role in dismantling the Christian worldview. A call to arms for believers to stand firm.
2. Abortion is Murder: Abolish & Criminalize
A relentless and uncompromising assertion that abortion is murder, and a robust argument for its complete abolition and criminalization. A firm stand that urges us to look beyond the veneer of social acceptability.
3. End Abortion: Embrace Immediate Abolition
An urgent plea for the immediate and unconditional abolition of abortion, rejecting half-measures and compromise. A rallying cry for those committed to justice for the preborn.
4. Reviving Abolitionists: Defeating Burnout
A compassionate guide for those on the front lines, addressing the very real issue of burnout and providing strategies for revival and sustained energy in the fight for life.
5. Exposing Evil, Abolishing Excuses
A fearless expose on the rationalizations and excuses that allow evil to persist, and a clarion call to abolish not only abortion but the very excuses that sustain it.
Final Thoughts
These articles are monuments to a time, a cause, and a community dedicated to a higher calling. They represent not merely opinions but convictions, grounded in morality, faith, and an unyielding commitment to the sanctity of life. They serve as a reminder that the battle is not over, and the flame of truth continues to burn brightly in the hearts of those who refuse to bow to the status quo. Let them not only inspire but also challenge us to action. The time for change is now.
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