It’s often claimed that pro-life supporters are “anti-women’s rights,” “want to turn back time on women’s rights,” and, the oh so common, “oppose women’s reproductive rights.”
That had me thinking, so I’ve decided to compile a list to determine whether or not the vast majority* of the pro-life movement is truly these things.
* Obviously, you can find someone in any group that disagrees. I’m basing this off of your average pro-life advocate.
Violence against anyone is unacceptable. We believe that women should never be subject to abuse or violence of any type. People who commit violent acts should be punished. There should be harsher punishments for domestic violence, rape, and other forms of physical violence targeted at women. Women should not have to be afraid.

Women should be free to choose their own destiny. They should be free to marry or not marry whoever they desire (or don’t.) They should be allowed to work in any industry, any position, in as so long as they meet the proper qualifications (their gender, not being one of them.) They should be allowed to live wherever they want, move whenever they want, and generally, be free agents to succeed or fail on their own merit.
Women should not be discriminated against because of their gender. They should receive equal pay for equal work and qualifications. No one should be penalized for prioritizing family. Anyone with children should be encouraged and supported. Women should be free from sexual harassment. Women should be treated as equals in the workplace and assumed to be capable human beings.

Although repetitive after the previous two, women should have equal access to education and equal effort should be invested in the education of girls and women. Women are as cognitively capable as men, so says the research.
Reproductive Rights
Women should be free to choose who they reproduce or not reproduce with. Women should have the freedom to choose whether or not they want to be a mother or not. There are many options available including non-abortion inducing birth control, sterilization, adoption, and abstinence. They should be able to make any and all decisions regarding their own body. A preborn baby, however, is its own body and should be treated with respect and dignity—just as his or her mother is.
Abortion is the only issue we believe is not a part of a woman’s right. Scientifically speaking, a preborn baby is a person at conception. Incapable of living anywhere else, there is a natural-right obligation for that child to live inside their mother. There is, literally, no other place a new human being can exist except inside their mother. Both being human beings, one having absolutely no choice, and in most circumstances, the woman did have a choice, that innocent human being should not be unduly deprived of life when there are many other options available—especially adoption.
No Check.

In Closing
Regardless of your position on abortion, it is clear that the vast majority of pro-life advocates support practically every women’s rights issue. There will always be a few fringe members who don’t, but by and large most pro-life advocates will agree that all but abortion is an inherent right.
Let’s throw the intellectual dishonesty aside and stop accusing pro-life advocates that they oppose women’s rights. We don’t. We support human rights.
- More females have been killed by abortion than the total people killed in every war in American history combined.
- Females are all too often the target of sex selective abortions.
- The age or level of development of a female should not forfeit her right to life.
If anything, pro-life advocates are more supportive of the rights of all women.
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