Wyoming HB0152 vs. The Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion
Wyoming’s Wyoming HB0152, or the Life is a Human Right Act, ranks among the stricter abortion laws but suffers from contradictions that undermine its purpose and goals. This critique illuminates those shortcomings and introduces our alternative, “The Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion,” a comprehensive, morally consistent response.
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Before delving into the legal intricacies, let’s outline key aspects of Wyoming’s HB0152.
The Good
- HB0152 largely prohibits abortions in Wyoming
- It specifies actual criminal and civil penalties for abortion-related offenses
- The Life Is A Human Right Act is among the few laws in the country to outlaw the abortion pill, closing a vital loophole
The Bad
- The law contains broad, vague exceptions that weaken its purpose and invite legal challenge
- Murdering a preborn baby carries a penalty far less than many non-violent Wyoming crimes — no more than 5 years or a maximum of $20,000
The Ugly
- The act denies rights to children conceived by rape
- The minimum penalty for a rapist in Wyoming is 5 years in jail, but the survivor’s child may receive the death penalty
- Mothers receive blanket amnesty — if you kill your child in the womb, you walk free
These flaws reveal profound moral challenges, paving the way for further examination. The following sections will explore these issues in depth and contrast them with how “The Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion” addresses these problems.
Critique of Wyoming House Bill
Wyoming’s HB0152, while a significant step toward limiting abortion, doesn’t fully abolish it. The legislation starts robustly but serves as a lesson that headlines and bills must be read in full to gauge their true effect. Crafted by politicians and lawyers, a law may say one thing but do another.
Exceptions and Loopholes
Among its critical flaws, broad exceptions are fundamental and are currently central to legal disputes.
The exceptions include:
- Performing a pre-viability abortion under specific circumstances to preserve the life of the pregnant woman.
- Administering medical treatment that accidentally injures or kills the unborn baby.
- Permitting abortion in cases of incest or sexual assault, provided it’s reported to law enforcement.
- Allowing abortion when the unborn baby likely has a lethal fetal anomaly or if it’s a molar pregnancy.
Though the bill declares “the unborn baby is a member of the human race” and “all members of the human race are created equal, with the foremost right being life,” it contradicts itself. If conceived by rape, these rights are rendered “alienable,” and life hinges on a doctor’s ambiguous and undefined “reasonable” judgment.
Criminal and Civil Penalties
Just to demonstrate the depressing injustice of the penalties attached to “The Life is a Human Right” Act, we’re going to compare and contrast it to some other felonies in Wyoming. The absolute maximum penalties according to HB0152 is no more than 5 years in prison and/or a fine not exceeding $20,000.
In contrast:
- First-degree murder in Wyoming can come with the death penalty or life in prison.
- Drug possession can land you in jail for 20 years.
- The sale or distribution of marijuana can land you in prison for up to 10 years.
If you’re the mother of the child, and the child is still inside you, then you’re granted complete amnesty under the law. Kill away. You will not be held responsible, because the pro-life movement has fought against any attempt to hold women accountable for murdering their children.
At least we’re tough on drugs, right?
This discrepancy undermines why we need a clarion call to abolish abortion, immediately, and without exception. As Christians, we cannot claim the name of Christ while simultaneously negotiating various levels of child murder. Like the wayward kings of Israel seeking pagan aid instead of pursuing justice and holiness, we risk betrayal and destruction. These pro-life bills are not “necessary political compromise”; they’re wicked acts of injustice that abandon our children to the slaughter.
The Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion
A Comprehensive and Moral Alternative
The “Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion” recognizes that life begins at conception, extending equal protection to the preborn. Unlike Wyoming’s HB0152, this act aims for complete abolition without exceptions.
Equal Protection Under the Law: A Vital Goal for Abolitionists
Equal protection under the law is perhaps the most critical principle for abolitionists. It ensures that every individual, regardless of their developmental stage, receives the same legal rights and protections. This concept forms the moral backbone of the act, guiding the pursuit of justice for the preborn.
- Due Process: Ensuring a legal avenue for action without witch hunts against women who suffer miscarriages, medical issues, or other tragic accidents. The legal framework is targeted only at intentional acts leading to the wrongful death of a preborn child.
- Legal Accountability: The act applies the same legal standards to those responsible for the death of a preborn child as for a death outside the womb.
- Encouragement and Liability: Like inciting or conspiring to commit murder, those who encourage or coerce someone to have an abortion may be held both criminally and civilly liable.
- Medical Responsibility: Medical professionals will be held to the same ethical standards when treating preborn children as they would for patients outside the womb.
By ensuring due process and equal legal standards, this approach forms a comprehensive framework that aligns with the recognition that the preborn child is a human being deserving of all the rights and privileges accorded to other human beings. It contrasts sharply with other approaches, such as HB0152, that fail to apply these principles consistently.
This structure maintains the content and provides balance, highlighting the key components of equal protection under the law. Let me know if this resonates with your perspective!
Justice For All
Justice is not a mere human construct but a reflection of God’s righteous nature, and it certainly shouldn’t be confused with vengeance. As the Psalmist declares, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne; steadfast love and faithfulness go before you” (Psalm 89:14, ESV).
The “Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion” seeks to align our legal standards with this eternal truth, maintaining the same legal standards for the preborn as all other image-bearers.
- Equal Legal Standards: Reflecting true justice without bias.
- Potential Criminal and Civil Liability: Not revenge but just application of law.
- Protecting Victims’ Rights: Restoring the legal dignity of the preborn.
- Challenging Misconceptions: Justice is a virtue that aligns with biblical principles like defending the oppressed.
This commitment to justice treats the preborn with the same legal respect as any other human being, eliminating inconsistencies and firmly grounding our stance in a coherent moral perspective.
Nullify Unconstitutional Abortion Mandates
The “Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion” defends the state’s rights to protect life, standing firm against federal overreach that seeks to undermine those rights. It’s a commitment with teeth, declaring conflicting federal acts null, enforcing these laws against contrary federal statutes, and holding federal agents accountable for the death of unborn children.
Recent actions by the Biden administration, which this act aims to counteract, include:
- Promoting Baby Murder: Executive Orders in 2022 that target medication abortion, effectively encouraging the killing of preborn children.
- Compromising Bans on Baby Murder: Lowering safeguards and emphasizing obligations under federal civil rights laws to make the murder of preborn children more accessible.
- Federal Amnesty for Baby Killers: Implementing protections to shield those who murder preborn children, including protections for crossing state lines for the procedure.
- Distributing Baby Killing Drugs: Continuous attempts to ensure access to drugs that kill preborn children.
The act counters these federal maneuvers, upholding the states’ constitutional rights to protect life and emphasizing the need for unyielding, enforceable state-level laws in the face of shifting political landscapes.
Final Thoughts
The “Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion” is not mere legislation; it’s a steadfast pursuit of justice in accordance with God’s righteous nature, calling for the complete abolition of abortion. Equip yourself by exploring the principles behind this act at our Model Legislation page, and learn how to discern and review legislation through our “12-Step Guide for Reviewing Bills”.
The time for action is now. Reach out to your state legislators with conviction, share with them “The Act to Abolish and Nullify Abortion,” and stand as a beacon for life, echoing God’s love for each person, born or unborn.
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