Abortion Abolitionists have created a distinct identity separate from the mainstream pro-life movement. In this article, we will define the values and principles defining the abolitionist movement: Jesus Christ is Lord, abortion is murder, demand for the immediate end of abortion, no compromises, and no exceptions.
Abolitionists are zealous and principled, challenging the status quo of what has been synonymous with faithful Christian advocacy against abortion. This confrontational approach is sometimes off-putting to Christians who favor unity over conflict. Yet, this desire for unity at all costs is often at the expense of fidelity to principles. Abortion Abolitionists stand beside the principle the truth often demands conflict, sometimes, even with our allies.
This article was first sneak-previewed on America, Humble Yourselves & Pray (formerly, FYRE.IS). A Christian publication promoting the abolition of abortion and reconstruction of society according to God’s word. To read new articles before they are published here, along with other Christian content you can’t find elsewhere, subscribe for free at HumblePray.com.
Movement of God and the Christian Church
Exclusivity of the God of the Bible
Abolitionists acknowledge Jesus Christ as the only way to God (John 14:6). He is our Creator (Genesis 1) and “for in Him we live and move and exist” (Acts 17:28). “For us there is one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him, and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him” (1 Corinthians 8:6 LSB).
Abortion isn’t a matter of politics, but of ethics. Politics is merely the determination of who wields the power to impose their ethics on others. The abolitionists seek to honor Christ as Lord in all areas of life, including politics, asserting that God’s standards are the ultimate measure by which all people—believers and unbelievers alike—must be held to account. In the end, a belief system will be imposed: one that regards children as mere ‘products of conception’ and sanctions their slaughter, or one that recognizes them as Image Bearers of God and ensures their protection. There is no neutral ground.
Made in God’s Image
The abolition movement is inseparable from biblical Christianity as a movement of the Universal Christian Church. It recognizes all human beings are made in God’s image, and affirms every person — born and preborn — is endowed by God with sacred value. This value is extrinsic, a character deliberately bestowed by God as an act of Divine creation, and it demands our protection (Exodus 21:22-25, Psalm 139, Proverbs 24:11). Upon this cornerstone of doctrine all other principles, values, and strategies of the abolition movement are informed.
The gospel is central to abolitionism, “for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16 LSB). Lasting heart change depends on repentance and faith in Christ as only by the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit is the rebel sinner convicted of “sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8) and able to please God (Romans 8:1-9).
The Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is itself the impetus for abortion abolition. Since Christ has all authority in heaven and earth, Christians are commanded to go and make disciples of all the nations, baptize all the nations, and teach all the nations to obey Christ—obedience demands an active pursuit of abortion’s end.
Believers, Unbelievers, and Thinking as Apostates
Abolition sentiments aren’t limited to Christians. God uses all people for His purpose and glory (Proverbs 16:4). However, abolitionists believe the God of the Bible is essential for a logically and ethically consistent apologetic against abortion. The unbeliever can oppose abortion, but without the objective transcendent standard of Scripture, abortion becomes a matter of personal opinion. The Bible and God’s Law provides a transcendent and objective standard which is applicable regardless of people, place, culture, and or time in history.
As Christians, our primary loyalty should always be to God and His Kingdom. If we set aside our Christian convictions we are thinking, believing, and behaving as apostates. When we surrender our unique Christian principles to the demands of the world, we fail to submit all thoughts, convictions, and practices to Christ’s Lordship (2 Corinthians 10:3-6).
The Local Church Acting Locally
Biblically-based churches stand at the forefront of the abolitionist movement, composed of committed members, accountable to pastors, elders, and each other, forming the bedrock for effective change.
Seeking God’s will, prayer, and repentance must begin individually, and collectively in our local churches, before we can expect God to heal our land (2 Chronicles 7:14). By this change, transformation will proliferate—town by town, county by county, state by state—culminating in the end of abortion through the persistent, faithful witness of the local church.
It is prudent stewardship of our resources to focus on our local communities (1 Peter 4:10, Luke 16:8). Recognizing human fallibility (Romans 3:10-18), we advocate for a limited and accountable government. Local authorities are most amenable to the influence and scrutiny of the citizens they serve.
Abortion is Murder
We’ve dedicated an entire article to the idea abortion is murder, but we’ll reiterate key points here:
- According to God’s Law, and the facts of science, a unique human being begins at conception.
- Abortion kills a human being.
- The premeditated killing of a human being with malice aforethought is murder.
- Therefore, abortion is murder.
According to God’s law, the just penalty for killing an innocent human being—both intentional or unintentional—is death. (Exodus 21:23-25 LSB)
The penalty is so severe because of the incredibly high value God places on those who bear His image. To kill a human being is to deface and violate the image of God. It is a sort of blasphemy against the Divine. Such a violation is a grave sin before God, and the perpetrator must be held accountable. To judge abortion as anything less than murder is an affront to God.
Criminalize Abortion
God’s Law, as the ultimate standard of justice (Psalm 19:7-9), demands the criminalization of abortion as an act of murder (Exodus 21:23-25). Scripture mandates civil authorities defend the innocent and punish “those who do evil” (Romans 13:4). Abortion is murder. Murder is evil. The governing authorities must criminalize abortion as murder. We must demand justice (Proverbs 28:5).
In John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion, he wrote, “The magistrate must guard against both extremes, he must neither, by excessive severity, rather wound than cure, nor by a superstitious affectation of clemency, fall into the most cruel inhumanity, by giving way to soft and dissolute indulgence to the destruction of many.”
Excessive cruelty is self-explanatory in its injury. Yet, when thoughtfully considered, so is excessive leniency. We can see this play out as progressive district attorneys refuse to prosecute criminals in droves (likewise based on a perceived victimhood of the perpetrator.) Entire communities are devastated as people, who can afford it, are leaving these areas in droves and businesses move out.
Few, would plead clemency for a woman who chopped her 5 year old, alive, into pieces. Yet, move that 5 year old to 5 weeks, place him or her in the womb, and the once murderer, the pro-life movement crowns “the second victim of abortion.” Refusing to hold these mothers accountable for for murdering their children violates God’s command for impartial justice (Psalm 82:2, Isaiah 11:4).
The New Covenant does not exempt Christians from seeking justice for victims or against the perpetrators of crimes. Post-Resurrection, the civil magistrates are still called to be a terror to evil (Romans 13:3). God’s Law still defines righteousness and justice (Luke 16:17). This stance contrasts sharply with mainstream pro-life organizations which have explicitly spoken out against criminalizing abortion.

No Compromise
The issue of abortion is often sanitized, dehumanized, and softened to avoid offense. But to confront abortion as anything less than little babies being ripped to pieces by vacuums, pulled apart with forceps, and poisoned with acids—thousands a day, week by week, year by year—is to provide PR cover for the people and institutions perpetrating their genocide.
Abortion is offensive. Abortion is disgusting. Abortion is murder.
We’re not trying to appeal to soften the blow, be politically correct, or make a “big tent” which welcomes everyone in at the cost of compromising the truth. Jesus Christ is Lord, He rules the nations, His Law says abortion is murder, and we are to be faithful to His call, not apologetic to those who are victimizing defenseless babies.
Those who have participated in abortion have participated in a murder, and are by definition, murderers. God’s Law is intended to bring conviction of sin (Romans 6), but if we are overly concerned with their feelings, we coddle them into hell. Only when the bad news is given is the Good News of the Gospel relevant — Jesus Christ redeems and saves wretched sinners like us.
We won’t meet to discuss under what circumstances it’s okay to tear apart little boys and girls—the answer is none. We’re not politically ignorant, we’re morally awakened. We don’t need to wait for hearts to change, our hearts have changed.
No Exceptions Ever
Abortion abolitionists unequivocally reject any legal exceptions for abortion. A child’s right to life is absolute, irrespective of conception circumstances. Rape is evil — it’s a capital crime according to God’s Law. Yet, the penalty of death is for the rapist, not the innocent child consequently conceived by the father’s actions.
We can’t argue the preborn child is human with a right to life one moment, then the next advocate for legislation which permits their killing because of who their parents are. That is unjust.
For life-threatening circumstances, current laws already provide guidance to protect life. Laws should not grant blanket immunity for killing preborn children. Every decision to end a life, even under dire conditions, must be open to legal scrutiny to ensure it is the last and only option. Laws should strip blanket immunity, not grant it.
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End Abortion Now, Not Later
Abortion Abolitionists are the spiritual successors of the slavery abolition movement of the 19th century, which itself was spearheaded by uncompromising Christians. As with abortion today, many believed slavery could only be ended incrementally, over generations. Abolitionists wouldn’t have it. Abolitionists argued, human beings were being enslaved, tortured, raped, and murdered. To create laws to regulate what God deemed abominable sins, worthy of death, was to invite God’s wrath. Abortion abolitionists concur with this assessment, to regulate the murder of killing babies is abominable and invites God’s judgment.
Fifty years of incremental pragmatism has left the United States with over 65 million dead babies alone. The incremental approach has failed. The overturning of Roe has not slowed the slaughter. Abortion “bans” legalize more abortions than they stop. The pro-life movement dubs the murderers the victim.
Abortion is still legal in every state over a year after Roe was overturned—contrary to the insistence of pro-life headlines. When a mother can kill her baby without repercussions, abortion is still legal. We aren’t told to preach a gospel of half measures, but of total repentance.
Establish Equal Justice for the Preborn
The law must afford the same protections to the preborn as it does those already born, it must also protect their right to equal justice under the law. This includes their unjust deaths must be investigated and prosecuted with the same rigor, due process be followed in all circumstances of death, and that anyone involved in their killing be held accountable under the law.
Far from being “extreme” as pro-life figures have claimed, this is the logically consistent result of the concept “all life is sacred” and “abortion is the killing of a human being.” Imagine a world where toddlers were being taken to slaughterhouses by their mothers, and Christians were advocating that the mothers were actually the victims and shouldn’t be charged with a crime! Yet, that’s exactly what’s happening today with abortion! It’s not that we do not extend love and grace to the mothers, but when someone is being led to the slaughter, our first priority is the one in danger of death.
The preborn deserve the same legal protections, regardless of their location. They deserve to live free from the tyranny of abortion, and granted equal justice under the law.
In Summary
Abortion abolitionism is an organic movement of Universal Christian Church, led by the Spirit, affirming all humans are made in God’s image. As such, abortion is murder, it must be immediately abolished, and to that end preach the gospel with boldness, truth, and love. The gospel call compels all people of every nation to repent of their sins, believe in Jesus Christ, and submit to Him as Lord and Savior — and He is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Christ is sovereign over all creation and all powers and authorities are instituted by and for Him. Jesus Christ is Lord. We will not be silenced, we will not be stopped, we will abolish abortion.
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